send stickers to your fans

a powerful new way to get your message out

GratziStickers helps businesses expand their brand recognition by mailing stickers to customers at a fraction of the cost that most companies can. We do all of the work and you can spend time maintaining your core focus. Just send us your stickers and we will get them out to your fans. No hassles, no extra work, all with flat rate pricing.

hassle free integration

GratziStickers offers two options to easily connect your valued fans with our convenient service and get them stickers right away. With a hyperlink you can send fans directly to a sticker request page on our site. Or, simply drop in customized HTML code to your website to make request process seamless.

a message that sticks

GratziStickers makes it easy to get your stickers out to your fans quickly and at half the cost of shipping them yourself. As an additional service, you can insert advertising materials into all sticker requests such as a coupon, a thank you note or an introduction to your product.

we handle your stickers while still saving you money

Pricing Chart
Single Envelope Image
No hassles.
No extra work.
All with flat rate pricing.

That's the beauty of gratzistickers